Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Blue Wednesday

Sometimes I feel like hating Wednesdays especially days like today. I was greeted again by death at PCMC. Two of my recent referrals in the hospice passed away from their respective illnesses. Our rounds at the wards also was quite depressing. We visted three patients at the neuro ward, each gravely ill from TB meningitis, TB sarcoma and Viral Encephalitis. There was nothing much we could do for them. Maximo, who has viral encephalitis has been in a vegetative state since last year. He can no longer talk, move, open his eyes, or do anything except jerk his arms due to involuntary movements.He has ugly bed sores and looks like a 7 year old instead of a 15 year old boy. George, the one with TB sarcoma, has a head the size of a bowling ball. He's also semi comatose due to his operation. The doctors removed a tumor the size of a fist from his 2 year old head.

Sad. Fortunately I saw Jerald at the wards as well.. He's my tutee with ALL. He was confined for his chemotherapy. Despite the painful meds, he was all smiles when I visited him this morning. I even reminded him of his homework for monday.

5 days before my birthday, I'm feeling depressed. I call this my pre birthday anxsts. =) Last night's badminton play was quite stressful as I had to deal with some kupals on court. oh well. that's life. Buti na lang may mga comedy moments kami ni mark on court. =)

I long for better days ahead...

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