Saturday, August 20, 2005

The Price of a Smile

How much is the worth of one smile? I found out last thursday that it cost about 3 hours of driving around QC looking for a sugar free birthday cake, endless phone calls on my cellphone, about 400 pesos worth of gasoline, 5 trips to different bakeshops, 2 packs of fruits, 1 pint of sugar free ice cream, a recycled blue ribbon, and a simple birthday song.

It was one frustrating effort trying to set an impromptu birthday surprise for my new patient at pcmc. Roland, a diabetic turned 19 yesterday and we wanted to give him a simple surprise to celebrate his birthday. It was bad enough that he had ALL, but it was worse to celebrate one's birthday inside the hospital. Unfortunately, much to my effort, I could not find a sugar free cake just in time. So armed with my other goodies, I trekked back to pcmc after 3 hours of driving around. I decided to just get a small regular cake. At least he could do the candle blowing ceremony even if he couldn't eat it.

Roland never got to eat his birthday cake (it wasn't sugar free) yet he beamed at us with his simple smile. He quietly said thank you as if he tasted the cake himself. And I nearly cried. All the tiredness I felt from driving around (with almost no sleep the night before) disappeared.

The price of one smile is not measurable in monetary terms. The price of one smile is worth more than anything in this world.

The price of one smile is our ability to love.


K~ said...

Hi, I just randomly clicked on next and found your blog. What a heartwarming story. Your efforts I'm sure were greatly appreciated. Thank you for sharing.

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